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A breakfast egg without salt? That doesn't taste good! Salt is one of the most important seasonings, but the "white gold" has a reputation for making people sick. And rightly so? Salting food is an old phenomenon. Even in ancient...
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Women and creatine, that may seem like the combination of fire and ice to some exercisers even today. Creatine, that's for heavyweight bodybuilders and fat powerlifters, but certainly not for women. Right? Wrong. Women benefit just as much as men...
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Sports burn fat. This is true, of course, but not necessarily in the way you might think. To optimally lose body fat and define your body, it's important to understand the difference between fat burning and fat consumption. Contrary to...
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The timing of nutrient intake in sports can make a big difference in training and competition performance for ambitious athletes. For example, pre-workout and immediate post-workout meals are particularly important to optimally support performance. While post-workout nutrition serves to replenish...
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