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Stress can be triggered by a wide variety of factors and usually affects your body not only psychologically, but also physically. In situations of high stress, the organism releases two hormones: adrenaline and cortisone. These put it on alert and...
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A breakfast egg without salt? That doesn't taste good! Salt is one of the most important seasonings, but the "white gold" has a reputation for making people sick. And rightly so? Salting food is an old phenomenon. Even in ancient...
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The topic of motivation plays an important role for most people every day. Be it at work, at home or during sports. However, it can be seen that different people associate the most diverse things with motivation. So what exactly...
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The fact that protein plays a central role in building muscle mass and in the context of a conscious diet can be read in any magazine nowadays. The awareness for the general intake of proteins is therefore definitely present. Especially...
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