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Anyone starting out in fitness sports already has their hands full with the right training plan and the correct diet. Sooner or later, however, the topic of nutritional supplements comes up, which then understandably raises even more questions. The biggest...
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As soon as the ninth month of the Islamic lunar calendar dawns, fasting begins for over a billion people around the globe. Obviously, fasting is not necessarily compatible with our lifestyle as strength athletes or bodybuilders, because a sufficient and...
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A thicker upper arm, bigger chest muscles or a wider back: Targeted muscle building is probably the main goal of most ambitious amateur athletes. As is well known, targeted hypertrophy is based on a simple basic framework: Eat - Train...
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While a low-fat diet was still considered the optimum for weight reduction until about 10 years ago, a rethink has since set in. Because - at least in the USA - the many low-fat products have rather led to the...
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