Protein Shakes für Muskelaufbau

Protein shakes for muscle building

This is how fast muscle building with protein shakes can work

Until a few years ago, mainly bodybuilders used protein shakes to build muscle. Now, however, more and more people are using protein shakesas a dietary supplement - they have become part of a balanced fitness and health program. Protein is a vital nutrient without which we cannot live. Every cell in the human body contains protein. But protein can do even more: protein supports, e.g. in the form of Protein Shakes for weight loss, inbuilding muscle and optimizing your workout. It has even been shown that the consumption of additional protein promotes muscle growth and strength when taken as part of a training program.[1]

In this article you will learn how to use protein shakes to build muscle, which shakes are suitable for this purpose and what to look for when buying your protein powder.

Do protein shakes help build muscle?

Protein shakes can help build muscle when combined with strength training.[2] The proteins contained in protein shakes help build muscle and maintain muscle mass. At the same time, proteins can promote physical performance and improve muscle recovery.[3]

Protein shakes are often taken before, during or after exercise. Protein is an important nutrient for building muscle as well as all types of body tissues. Consuming protein shakes provides you with a high dose of protein in the process. Protein shakes can be so effective because the increased intake of high quality protein along with strength training stimulates what is known as muscle protein synthesis (MPS).[4] Whether you enjoy your protein shake with milk or prepared with water is entirely up to you.

Your body weight as well as your activity level will determine how much protein you needper day. If you exercise, make sure your daily protein intake is around 2 grams per kilogram of body weight.[5]

Protein supports the growth of your muscles

Sportler beim Krafttraining

Muscles are largely made up of protein. Like most bodily tissues, muscles are dynamic and are constantly breaking down and rebuilding. In other words, your body should have a positive protein balance to build and maintain muscle. A higher protein intake can help build muscle and strength.[6] Protein shakes are one way to help build muscle when protein ingested from food is not enough. Vegans in particular may not be able to meet their protein needs and then have to turn to alternatives such as vegan protein powder - e.g. our ESN Vegan Designer Protein, which has a similar biological value as Whey Protein thanks to rice and pea protein.

Protein powder provides you with important amino acids

Proteinpulver mit einem Scoop

Protein shakes provide important amino acids for muscle building that can be easily absorbed by the body. Researchers believe that consuming shakes increases amino acid levels in the bloodstream, which in turn triggers a stronger response to muscle protein synthesis.[7],[8] Muscle protein synthesis is the metabolic process that describes the incorporation of amino acids into specific muscles of the body. In this process, the three BCAAs leucine, isoleucine and valine are particularly in demand. They are considered essential for the human body, which can use them to build muscle protein and produce energy.[9],[10]

Protein shakes to maintain your muscles

Athletin mit ESN Designer Protein

Protein shakes can not only be used to build muscle, they also provide a contribution to the maintenance of your muscles. Studies suggest that protein shakes can also help maintain and build muscle when dieting for weight loss [11],[12] For example, one study showed that men who followed a high-protein diet using protein supplements lost more fat mass and increased their muscle mass when they also did strength and endurance training.[13] Another study found that Whey protein reduced the expected decline in muscle protein synthesis after weight loss.[14]

Which protein shakes are suitable for muscle building?

Basically, any form of protein sh akes is suitable for muscle building. They all contain proteins that are important for building and maintaining muscles. However, shakes with Whey protein are particularly popular, as they contain all the essential amino acids and are also easy to digest.

In addition to Whey and casein protein, vegan protein shakes can also help build muscle. However, you should make sure that the vegan protein powder is a multi-component protein that also provides all the essential amino acids.

Additionally, you should note that you won't notice any muscle growth just by taking protein shakes - this only works in combination with appropriate strength training.

Whey protein shakes for muscle building

Eiweißshake für Muskelaufbau

The protein found in Whey Protein (whey) helps build and maintain muscle. Whey protein contains all the important amino acids and is quickly absorbed - so the effect of Whey Protein can develop quickly.[15] Since Whey is derived from milk, it is actually not suitable for people with lactose intolerance. However, there are now specially developed products that are virtually lactose-free, such as. Whey Protein Isolate, which due to the microfiltration process not only contains significantly less fat and carbohydrates, but also less lactose. Whey protein isolate is therefore also a recommendation for you if you predominantly do without carbohydrates as part of a low carb diet.

You want to support your muscle building with Whey Protein Shakes?

  • Der Whey-Protein-Bestseller in Deutschland und Europa
  • Sehr leicht verdaulich, biologisch intakt und schonend hergestellt
  • Wenig Zucker
Discover now

Also with vegan protein shakes you supply your muscles

For people who abstain from animal products such as meat or milk, the sufficient coverage of protein needs can be challenging. Especially the supply of all essential amino acids is not given with many plant-based protein sources. However, to ensure your protein supply even as a vegan, you can turn to plant-based protein powders, for example. Ideally, these vegan powders combine several types of protein, such as pea, hemp and sunflower protein. Such multi-component protein powders have a comparable biological value to protein powders with Whey, thanks to a complete amino acid profile .

Are you looking for a vegan protein shake with delicious taste for your muscle building?

  • Veganes Mehrkomponenten Protein: Erbsen-, Hanf- und Sonnenblumenprotein
  • Das vollständige Aminosäurenprofil sorgt für eine hohe biologische Wertigkeit
  • Geprüfte Qualität – hergestellt in Deutschland
Discover now

Find the right protein powder for your protein shake

Finding the right protein shake for your muscle building is not always easy. Before you can choose the best product for you, you should answer the following questions for yourself:

  • What is my training goal?
  • How many training sessions per week have I planned?
  • In what time frame do I want to reach my goal?
  • When and how do I want to integrate protein shakes into my diet?

You don't like taking protein powder as a shake with water or (vegetable) milk? Then you can also use protein powder for baking or for the preparation of other meals - protein powder can be used in many ways.

Conclusion: Protein shakes really help to build muscle

Protein shakes are an effective and easy way to maintain your trained muscles and build new muscles. In addition, athletes who intensively build muscle have an increased protein requirement - fortunately, protein shakes can also cover this additional demand. Especially for vegans who may have problems getting enough protein in their daily meals, protein shakes are a good and effective solution. Nevertheless, you should additionally pay attention to a balanced and protein-rich diet, because the protein powder should always only be a supplement.

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