Rücken Muskelaufbau

Back and Muscle building

Thisis how to build muscles in the back

When we move - turning, walking, standing, and more - a strong and healthy back is important. Even if you sit or lift a lot in your everyday life, it's important to keep your back fit and strong to avoid pain and tension in your muscles. To build muscles in your back, there are many exercises you can do. Always pay attention to the correct execution of the back exercises, otherwise you can quickly cause more damage than muscle growth. A proper diet and stretching your muscles is also important for building back muscle.

In our guide, we'll show you the essential exercises for targeting back muscle building.


What muscles are located in the back?

Muskeln im Rücken

Various muscles play a key role in a healthy back:

  • Trapezius muscle (musculus trapezius)
  • Deltoid muscle (musculus deltoideus)
  • Broad back muscle (latissimus dorsi muscle)
  • Autochthonous back muscles (back extensor / musculus erector spinae)
  • Quadratic lumbar muscle (musculus quadratur lumborum)

It's important to remember that muscles connected to the back can also contribute to a healthy back or cause back pain. Muscles that are connected to the back play a role in the stability of the back and can contribute to back pain if they are not functioning properly. Therefore, it's important to stretch the entire back musculature during training and as a preventative measure against back pain.

Let’s have a look at each individual back muscles in detail: The trapezius muscle is located at the upper spine and helps with shoulder blade movement, head rotation, and cervical spine extension. The deltoid muscle covers the shoulder. It holds the humeral head in the socket and helps lift the upper arm.

The broad back muscle, also known as the latissimus, covers almost the entire length of the spine under the scapula. It helps stabilize the spine and with lateral trunk movements. It also allows for arm movement and pulling the arms to the body and the arms to the back

The autochthonous back muscles, also known as the back extensors, run along both sides of the spine from the pelvis to the head. The muscle group helps straighten and stabilize the spine.

The quadratic lumbar muscle is a deep abdominal muscle that helps with trunk tilt, lumbar spine extension, and exhalation.


Exercises for building lower back muscles

With these exercises you can train muscle building in the lower back:

  • Back Stretch
  • Deadlift
  • Pelvic lift with dumbbells


Back Stretch

Mann macht Hyperextensions

The back stretch, also known as hyperextensions, involves the use of the back extensor (musculus erector spinae), the muscles in the buttocks, and the leg biceps are trained. As a back exercise to build muscle, eight repetitionsand two to four sets should be performed. With advanced training, you can increase the difficulty by holding a weight in front of your chest.

This is how you perform the back stretch correctly:

  • Get on the device in a straight posture.
  • With your abdomen tensed, slowly bend your upper body down until it is at right angles to your legs.
  • Slowly move back up until your torso is straight again.
  • Be sure to maintain tension in the target muscles between repetitions.

Common mistakes:

  • Hollow back: Be careful not to hyperextend your lower back.
  • No straight head position: Your head should be held in straight extension of your spine.
  • Straighten up with momentum: The back stretch should be performed slowly and in a controlled manner. If you straighten up with momentum, the tension and thus the training effect in the target muscles is lost.



Mann beim Kreuzheben

Cross lifting or deadlifting targets the back extensor (musculus erector spinae), thigh muscles, and the large gluteal muscle. The number of sets and repetitions should be adjusted to individual experience and training goals. Beginners with up to one year of experience should start at a lower difficulty level and perform between four and six repetitions (men) or eight and ten repetitions (women).

This is how to perform deadlift correctly:

  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart in front of the barbell. Tighten your abdomen, stick out your chest, and keep your back straight.
  • Bend your knees and grasp the bar at shoulder width. Bend your knees and grasp the bar at shoulder width, using either an underhand or a mixed grip (one hand underhand, one hand overhand).
  • As you lift the barbell, keep it close to your body and look at a fixed point in front of you. Direct your gaze to a fixed point in front of you. The movement involves simultaneously stretching your legs and straightening your back. Exhale as you straighten up.
  • Once you reach the upright position, pull your shoulders back and slightly extend your hips.
  • To lower the barbell, push your shoulders forward and your hips back to the starting position. Exhale as you lower the barbell.

Common mistakes to avoid:

  • Lifting too much weight with momentum: This can cause injury to your body.
  • Incorrect back posture: Perform the exercise slowly and evenly with a straight back to avoid injury. Incorrect posture during deadlifts increases the risk of injury. Keep your gaze focused on a fixed point in front of you, this will help maintain an upright head position and keep your back straight during the deadlift.


Pelvic lifting with weight

Frau beim Beckenheben

The pelvic lift with weight, also known as the glute bridge, targets the back extensor (musculus erector spinae), the large gluteal muscle, and the leg biceps. The pelvic lift can be done with three sets of eight to ten repetitions. As a beginner, you can also do the exercise without weight for the time being.

This is how to perform pelvic lift correctly:

  • Lie on the floor with your legs hip-width apart, knees bent so that when you lift your hips, there is a right angle between your thigh and lower leg.
  • Hold the weight at about hip level.
  • As you exhale, push your pelvis up until your torso and thighs form a straight line.
  • Hold this position for one to two seconds.
  • As you inhale, lower your pelvis back to the floor.

Common mistakes to avoid:

  • Improper posture: Make sure your torso forms a straight line with your thighs.
  • Lifting your heels: Keep your feet flat on the floor throughout the exercise.
  • Incorrect back posture: Keep your back straight throughout the exercise to avoid a strong hollow back.


What exercises help build muscle in the upper back?

The best way to train your upper back is with barbell rowing, dumbbell rowing, lat pull-down and pull-up exercises.

These exercises target the latissimus (latissimus dorsi muscle), deltoid muscle (musculus deltoideus), and trapezius muscle (musculus trapezius).


Barbell rowing

Langhantelrudern für Muskelaufbau im Rücken

Barbell targets the broad back muscle (latissimus dorsi muscle), deltoid muscle and trapezius muscle (trapezius muscle). To effectively target the muscles in the upper back, it's recommended to do two to four sets of six to eight repetitions of barbell rowing. If your goal is to have a broad back, this exercise should be included in your workout plan.

This is how to perform barbell rowing correctly:

  • Stand in front of the barbell with your knees slightly bent and lean forward.
  • Grasp the barbell at shoulder width and lift it with a straight back.
  • First pull your shoulders back and then lift the bar to the level of your belly button.
  • Hold the position for one to two seconds before lowering the bar again.

Common mistakes to avoid:

  • Improper posture: Your back should form a right angle to your thighs during the exercise.
  • Moving too quickly: Make sure to perform the exercise slowly and with control.
  • Incorrect back posture: Keep your back straight during the exercise and make sure your head is in line with your spine.


Dumbbell rowing

Sportler macht Kurzhantelrudern

Dumbbell rowing is another exercise that targets the upper back, specifically the latissimus dorsi muscle (musculus latissimus dorsi), deltoid muscle (musculus deltoideus), and trapezius muscle (musculus trapezius). To effectively target these muscles, it's recommended to do two to four sets of eight repetitions. This exercise can be done on a flat or incline bench.

This is how to perform dumbbell rowing correctly:

  • On a flat bench, kneel with one side on the bench and support your body with the hand on the same side. Keep your upper body straight and lean forward. Hold a dumbbell next to the bench with the other hand.
  • On an incline bench, support your body with one hand and do a lunge forward with the leg on the same side. Keep your upper body leaning forward and hold a dumbbell next to your body with the other hand.
  • In the starting position, let the dumbbell hang next to your body. The arm should be almost fully extended.
  • Pull the arm up in a fluid motion. The dumbbell should be guided close to your body. The elbows should move back close to the body.
  • Hold the position for one to two seconds and then lower the weight back to the starting position.

Common mistakes to avoid:

  • Hyperextension of the head: To avoid injury to the neck, the head should be in a straight posture and an extension of the upper body.
  • Arms stretched out: The arms should be minimally bent in the starting position, otherwise you risk elbow injuries.
  • Rounded back: Avoid a rounded back and maintain a straight posture.

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Lat pull to the chest

Latzug zur Brust Übung

The lat pulldown exercise targets the broad back muscle (musculus latissimus dorsi), as well as the trapezius muscle (musculus trapezius) and the back extensor (musculus erector spinae). To effectively train these muscles, it is recommended to perform 2 to 4 sets of 8 repetitions. An alternative exercise is the pull-up, where the body acts as the weight instead of pulling a weight towards the body.

This is how to perform lat pulldown correctly:

  • Sit upright at the machine with your legs at a right angle and an upright upper body, slightly arching the back. Keep your head directed straight forward during the exercise.
  • Grasp the handle of the bar with both hands and pull the weight towards your chest as you exhale.
  • Lean back slightly. Keep the motion straight as you lower the weight slightly above the chest, hold for a moment, and then return to the starting position without letting the weight rest between repetitions.

Common mistakes to avoid:

  • Momentum from the back: This can cause injuries and not effectively train the target muscles. If using pull-ups as an alternative, make sure to execute the exercise slowly and with control to properly stress the back muscles.
  • Carrying the elbows: Make sure that your elbows stay close to your body, or else the training will not be as effective.
  • Too much movement: Only guide the bar up to just above your chest to keep proper posture.


Using the right diet for building back muscle

Mann mit gesunden Lebensmitteln

After a challenging workout, you need the right nutrition to build muscle. To support your body after exercises for building back muscle, you can use these tips for your nutrition plan:

  • Make sure you have a calorie surplus: Your body needs extra calories in addition to your daily calories to build muscle effectively.[1] To find out the right amount of calories for you, you can calculate your calorie needs for muscle building.
  • Consume sufficient protein: Your muscles need protein to maintain and build muscle.
  • Carbohydrates provide energy: Your body needs energy for any physical activity. You can get this by eating enough carbohydrates. This way you can train more intensively and target your muscles even better.
  • Last but not least: Healthy fats give your body important calories and mostly omega-3 fatty acids. Therefore, healthy fats are important for targeting muscle building in the back.

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Conclusion: How to build strong, muscular back through targeted muscle training

Many people who sit, lift, and carry heavy loads at work or in daily life may experience back pain. By doing targeted back exercises to build muscle, you can not only achieve a strong and muscular back, but also support your back in its daily functions. The interaction between the muscles in the upper and lower back helps support the spine and allows for freedom of movement. Additionally, using the ESN Crank Pump Pro can take your upper and lower back muscle building exercises to a new level.

As you may have read or experienced yourself, there are many things that can go wrong when training your back to build muscle. For example, improper posture during exercises can cause the target muscles to not be fully engaged, leading to injuries to the intervertebral discs. Therefore, it is important to always pay attention to proper form and execution during your workout.

Nutrition also plays a role in building muscle in the upper and lower back. Make sure to eat a balanced diet and provide your body with all the necessary nutrients. To support muscle building in the back and provide your body with enough protein, the ESN Designer Whey Protein can be a great complement to your workout. By following our tips and exercises for building muscle in your back, you can achieve visible results in a short amount of time.

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